The Medieval Studies Institute offers financial assistance for graduate students studying at Indiana University.
Funding Opportunities
Departmental fellowships
Graduate fellowship packages of various kinds are offered by IU departments. For a full list of fellowship opportunities, see the financial support page of the Office of Research and University Graduate School.
In addition, the University Graduate School Office of Fellowship and Support Programs has a very accessible listing of awards, grants, and other miscellaneous funding information and opportunities.
Graduate funding At Indiana University
The GradGrants Center maintains a list of Online Grant Resources and Searchable Databases for the Indiana University-Bloomington Campus.
In addition, the University Graduate School Office of Fellowship and Support Programs has a very accessible listing of awards, grants, and other miscellaneous funding information and opportunities.
Helpful tips
Experienced staff at the GradGrants Center will also meet with you, one-on-one, to help you find resources in your academic area.
With an Indiana University login, you can get directly onto the IRIS grants database. You can setup a grant search profile and IRIS will email you the results of your specific grant search at regular intervals.