Fall 2024 Newsletter
Graduate Student Award Blurbs
Andrea McRobbie Award

Yiwen Zhang, Ph.D. Candidate
East Asian Languages and Cultures
My research investigates a politically fragmented historical period between unified medieval Chinese empires—a period called the Five Dynasties. I draw attention to this often-understudied period’s cultural innovations in contemplating its new and sometimes awkward regional identities. Specifically, I am interested in identifying modalities by which the creative literati and historians of this period find alternatives to dynastic time and imperial space.
Graduate Student Highlights
See below to read about some of the amazing work our graduate students have been doing:
Lindsay Gill (English)
Sangalli Institute (2024), "The Archives of the Holy See and the Roman Catholicism: instructions for use and new research perspectives," winter seminar, Rome, Italy
Leeds IMC (2024), "Beowulf’s Modthryth: Looking for En-closure," The Role of Women in Medieval Germanic Crisis Narratives, Leeds International Medieval Congress 2024, Medieval Institute at the University of Leeds
Kalamazoo ICMS (2023), “Heorot and Hagiography: Reading Beowulf’s Wealhtheow through a Marian Lens,” Elite Women and Memory II, Sponsored Panel: The Haskins Society, Conference Presentation, International Congress of Medieval Studies 2023, Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University
Benjamin N Yusen (English)
"A Thorn and Steel Grendel: Attacking the Meadhall in Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos" at NeMLA
"'Who Draws it Out Shall Follow After': Arthurian Themes, Motifs, and Canon in Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time" at the PCA National Conference
"'Eal þis Eorþan Gesteal Idel Weorþeð': Encountering Alien Spaces in The Wanderer" for ICMS at Kalamazoo
Pouyan Shahidi (Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine)
Conference papers:
- “A philosophical journey on the map: Constructing a geospatial bio-bibliography of Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna)” [updated], Canadian Society for Digital Humanities Annual Conference, York University, Toronto (May 2023)
- “A Philosophical Journey on the Map: Constructing a Geospatial Bio-bibliography of Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna)”, Wednesday Noon Digital Scholarship Series, IU Libraries, USA (March 8, 2023)
Invited talks:
- “Between natural philosophy and mathematical astronomy: Celestial physics of Ibn Sīnā and Ptolemaic kinematic models”, Project Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich, Germany (July 2023)
- “Moonlight, quintessence, and Gabriel: The explanation and use of the lunar spots across fields of intellectual inquiry in Islam”, Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany (July 2023)
- “From textual data to digital maps” (Asynchronous workshop), Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana (Launched Dec. 2023)
Upcoming Events
Past Events
MEST Symposium
Thank you for joining us at the Graduate Student Conference, Time & Things: New Perspectives on the Premodern World!
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Do you want to get more involved with MEST? Do you have news/events to advertise? Do you want to collaborate with us for an event? Do you want to minor or get a certificate in medieval studies? Reach out to mest@iu.edu for all questions and concerns.
If you would like to update you graduate or faculty profile, please email mest@iu.edu.